Combining Our Two Expertise Into One
As a leader in reaction optimization for metabolite synthesis and photochemical reactor design we offer photochemical synthesis services, custom reactor design and answers to photochemistry questions.

HepatoChem advantages:
- When using our product line of photoreactors, including our new state-of-the-art advanced photoreactor system the Lucent 360™, we can provide support for your photochemical reaction problems.
Quickly screen 24-48 reaction conditions at a time while varying for light intensity, wavelength and temperature.
LEDs wavelengths are available from 365 nm to 750 nm.
Control light intensity – With the Lucent360™ you have access to more light power than any other commercial photoreactor.
Using actinometry we will determine the optimal photon flux for your reaction to best scale your process.
With the Lucent360™ we can quickly transition your reaction from 1 ml scale to production in batch or flow.
- Save time and money by accessing predesigned photocatalyst arrays
- Get analytical support. LC/LC-MS/LC-MS2, LC prep
- Experience quick turnaround time/Reactivity
- Count on flexibility
- Access resources for problem solving
- Contract as FTE or FFS
Photochemical Synthesis Services:
- Screen photocatalysts
- Optimize reaction conditions
- Test wavelength, temperature, light intensity
- Scale up reaction 1 ml to 1 L
- Perform reaction in batch or flow
Case Study:

LUCENT360™ workflow example with the multi-light screener